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“They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” (Acts 2:42)
Our History
By God’s Grace, in 2013 an Orthodox Christian mission was planted in Berrien County, Michigan.
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, we began serving the Divine Liturgy in a farmhouse living room with three families in attendance.
On the Feast of the Ascension in 2016, Saint Joseph Bulgarian Orthodox Mission served our first Liturgy in our current building at 2121 West Shawnee Road in Baroda Michigan. By God’s continuous blessings and the prayers of our loving Archpastor, our community has enjoyed a modest, consistent growth. We ask that you add your God- pleasing prayers to ours, asking that God’s will be accomplished in Berrien County!

Who We Are
Saint Joseph Orthodox Church is a community of Christians who seek to worship the Holy Trinity in spirit and truth in Berrien County.
We are a community of Orthodox Christians under the authority of The Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Diocese of the USA, Canada, and Australia working out our salvation together in Southwest Michigan. All through the year, but especially each Sunday, we gather to worship the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, to encourage each other in our faith, and to enjoy each other’s company. Our mission is to become Christ-like, so that through our words and actions people around us will know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior of the world, and that He loves all people.
Our mission is to proclaim and live out the gospel of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ as it has been handed down to us since apostolic times. By the grace of the Holy Spirit, we:
- Worship in the fullness of joy and truth.
- Unite ourselves with Christ through sacramental life.
- Reach out and care for others in love.
By being faithful to this life, we are continually transformed into the Body of Christ, bringing the Kingdom of God to all.
Services are in English and visitors are always welcome.
Our mission church has been established to proclaim the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ to all people, to teach by both word and deed, to inspire all to lead a life of Orthodox Christian belief, worship, and service to others.

Our goal
“We must endeavor not only to ‘adapt,’ but to ‘incarnate’ the logos of God into the language and customs of the country; and the sanctification of the people’s characteristics, so that they may become truly themselves, develop their own voice and add their own contribution to the common doxological hymn – always in harmony with the praise of the whole Church.” – Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and All Albania, from Mission in Christ’s Way